23 October 2011

Word Processors for Writers

I'm one of those writers who needs a word processor that can help me organize my thoughts in ways better than MS Word or Open Office can provide. There are many programs for sale made specifically for writers and novelists but many of them go for around 45 to 99 dollars.

As a broke artist, I need something that won't make me choose between having fancy schmancy software to write this novel on or eating for the next month.

Found these two freeware programs that seem like they might do the trick for me.

The first is Storybook which has a free and pro version. From the screen shots it looks clean, uncluttered, allows you to view multiple plot lines for your on-going novel, and has has functions to help you manage characters, locations, items, scenes, chapters, etc...

The other freeware is yWriter which was written by a science fiction writer from Australia. It is also clean, allows various views, and support multiple languages. I like how this software organically grew from the writer's personal need for a word processor that would put a method to the madness of his writing thoughts and shared is with others who are having similar problems with other mainstream word processors.

I am downloading both products now and hopefully one of them will help me progress further in these novels. The first three books are already living and thriving in my head... Now to put them to paper. Maybe either Storybook or yWriter will aid in this process.



19 May 2011

Changes Ahead

My apologiesto those who have already been reading so far. I've decided to delete the first few pages that were uploaded so far because, as unpublished stories go, major evolutions happened to the characters and storyline which I could not ignore. To accommodate the changes, I had to completely rewrite the first chapter of the book which I think will only help the narrative as it goes on further down the line.

While deleting previoulsy published posts may go against the spirit of the "online novel" I feel like the changes I have in mind will be for the better. Thanks for understanding and I hop you will enjoy what we have in store...
