Tabi Tabi Po CCG
Illustrations on the Tabi Tabi Po CCG are by SioPaoSpawn and RandomJan unless otherwise specified. Card layout by RandomJan. Text on cards are in Filipino with English translations provided on this page only.
To download the cards for free click on the thumbnail images. Click on the "zoom in" button on the shareapic page. Right click the full-sized image and save to your hard drive for printing on any color printer. (Options for hi-resolution PDF downloads will be made available in the future.)
001: Wir Wir
Card illustrations, layout and gameplay are subject to change.
It’s my Birthday !!!
Hi everyone. It’s my Birthday!!! Me,my mom,and my tita went to a museum
called “Mind Museum at Taguig”. It was totaly cool there. when we were done
we went...